Contemporary Camp Photographs
The visuals in this gallery have been grouped into 14 categories. Click on the sample thumbnail sketch to view all of the images in any category.
Auschwitz. Photographs of the camp taken spring 1999. (28 photographs) Birkenau. Photographs of the camp taken spring 1999. (27 photographs) Buchenwald, I. SS Housing, kennel, quarry, the zoological garden, and various towers and fences around the camp. (27 photographs) Buchenwald, II. Views of the gate building, storehouse, canteen, and other locations in the barracks area. (10 photographs) Buchenwald, III. Crematorium with its ovens, pathology rooms, execution cellar, and urns. (14 photographs) Dachau. Photographs taken spring 1999. (15 photographs) Majdanek. Photographs of Majdanek Camp taken summer 1998. (10 photographs) Mauthausen, I. Photographs of the quarry, the pool, and the garage yard. (18 photographs) Mauthausen, II. Photographs of the command headquarters, gate, barracks, sick quarters, jail, kitchen, and laundry. (22 photographs) Mauthausen, III. Photographs of building interiors and displays. (19 photographs) Neuengamme. Photographs of the brickworks and other forced labor workshops. (17 photographs) Ravensbrück. Photographs of the SS housing and headquarters, the camp gate, prison, and crematorium at this women's camp. (17 photographs) Sachsenhausen. Photographs of this camp located north of Berlin taken in the spring of 1999. (30 photographs) Terezín. Photographs of the model camp set up by the Nazis to fool visiting inspectors about conditions in camps. (7 photographs)
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